
9:04 Trump ‘doesn’t care about Ukraine’ ahead of pivotal Putin call | Andrew Neil   Trump ‘doesn’t care about Ukraine’ ahead of pivotal Putin call | Andrew Neil 2:52 Trump Administration shutting down Radio and TV Marti   Trump Administration shutting down Radio and TV Marti 8:12 Trump playing into Putin’s hands with ‘blind rush’ for ceasefire deal   Trump playing into Putin’s hands with ‘blind rush’ for ceasefire deal 9:03 Putin ‘ready’ to stop shooting if Russia gets security guarantees | Yevgeny Popov   Putin ‘ready’ to stop shooting if Russia gets security guarantees | Yevgeny Popov 8:25 Trump's ties to Putin could lead to 'greater crisis' soon   Trump's ties to Putin could lead to 'greater crisis' soon 10:56 Ukrainians see ‘indirect rule from Moscow as a complete nonstarter’   Ukrainians see ‘indirect rule from Moscow as a complete nonstarter’ 2:46 F1's Wild Radio Messages During Wet Aussie GP Exposed   F1's Wild Radio Messages During Wet Aussie GP Exposed 8:52 ’NATO will survive and grow stronger’ | Former Polish PM   ’NATO will survive and grow stronger’ | Former Polish PM


Duman Damar Şarkı Merve Özbey En Eski Cenk Çelebioğlu Buhar Alkaya Kasap Havası Bulutlar Aglasın Muazez Ersoy Cengiz Budak Birol Namoglu Ponteme Güler Duman Murat Göğebakan Grup Müzik Yaram Happy Ayran Bloc3 Sana Ben Iceak Halay Mayın Zemer Hozan Beşir Nerde Buray Beddua Hoqqo Gunah Radyo